Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Dream Analysis

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the development of our product our group has learnt about a number of different technologies, one of the main technologies we used was using the camera and editing software. We learnt how to edit our movie using final cut pro and putting the video together in a variety of different ways. As well as this we learnt how to use the camera in a variety of different ways, as we became more familiar with the camera we started to add more advanced shots to our film in order to give more of a creative look to the film opening. Also to do the music for our video we had to make our own track so that it isn’t copyrighted so we learnt how to make a track/beat on garage band. We also learnt how to put effects on the video putting in effects such as fades to move from scene to scene to make sure the video has a feel of continuity and fits well together. We also added filters to put the second half of the video into black and white to emphasize the feeling of a flashback. Also we used a radio-recording desk in order to record our voice over in the film, we recorded on the desk then imported them onto the computer in order to edit them and put them together to get the voice over to work well with the video and fit together well.

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