Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Dream Analysis

How did you attract/address your audience?

The audience of our film is mainly to attract male teenagers. Therefore the films we researched is the same audience which is '17 again'.

We also researched one film that appealed to a wide range of audience and this film is Space Jam, so we decided to add some techniques of what this film uses to attract a wide range of audience. Despite that we couldn’t have a star and use CGI, We felt that the key feature to try and attract a wide range audience is from the narrative so the script for our voiceover should be powerful and effective, It should engage the audience to watch more of the film. All the films we have watched for our research did not have a voice over at the beginning of the film therefore we felt it would be a good idea to add it so it can not only be unique but also effect because it clearly tells the story. Making the beginning exciting interest our audience to watch more of it, so fast pace editing and sound is key to attract teenagers. In Conclusion, we made sure that we got our audience to feel excited about our beginning scene by adding great editing effects and making sure that we put techniques within the film that makes our clip seem different to any other sports films. We made sure that we put in what an audience wants from using our own experiences when watching films.

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