Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Dream Analysis

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our audience for this film is mainly aimed at teenagers. Therefore, our film should be marketed to that specific audience. However, this film can interest other audience from the old by it being a sad film as well as the young, very entertaining film from the linear narrative; this shows that it appeals to a mass audience. The audience of our film is the same audience as '17 again' and this was a well produced film that had a huge success. The age rating of our film will be PG for the same reason as '17 again' as young teenagers as well as older teenagers will want to watch our film and if we put on a high age limit then some of the people that wanted to view the film wouldnt be able to. The gender audience of the film be predominantly males as basketball is dominated by male athletes and is watched by mainly a male audience, which is teenage males. This film has a smaller target audience than most films as it is a film that is mainly focused on basketball which will only attract a specific audience who have an interest in basketball.

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