Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Dream Analysis

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The continuity for our preliminary task was done to a good standard and looking at our final piece I think that we have improved the continuity of the film which makes it run a lot more smoothly and looks a lot better. A mistake that we made on our preliminary task was that we never had a script ready therefore we had to make up what we was going to do instead of having a set shot list which we would could follow so for our main task we made sure that we had a script prepared. Another thing that we learnt from our preliminary task was the range of shots we took and this was very important for a sport film where a variation of shot is needed to interest our audience. We used a much wider range of shots in our main task compared to the preliminary task, which gives the film much more variety, and more exciting for the viewer rather than just having the same shots time after time which will become boring for the viewer. Another thing that we have learnt from preliminary task is that we need to have a variety of different filming locations; this again makes the film more exciting by adding different scenes such as a driving scene. Also a major difference between the prelim task is the editing, the main task is edited together a lot better and the continuity in the main task is a lot better which makes the movie fit together and run smoothly. There also learnt how to include titles into our film. We learnt that from the preliminary task, but in the main task of ‘ The Dream’ we put our titles on a blank black background, which is a different piece of editing we had to learn.

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