Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Dream Analysis

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents male dominance as the main character portrays that. It also represents the elderly at the end of the scene where the mother dies who is quite old. The media project represents mostly Asian ethnic group especially as the main character in the task was a young Asian boy who is trying to achieve his dream of being a professional basketball player, but the death of his mum hit him as a sad news which is hard for him to go through. It doesn’t agree with the stereotypes of Asian people, as there are not many professional Asian basketball players and this is sending out a message that no matter what your dream is you have to try your best and go out and achieve your dream.

There is a marked contrast between the character when he is playing basketball where he is chasing his dream to a real life flashback of what had happened in his past which is like his nightmare. It also shows a juxtaposition of emotions between the protagonist playing basketball and the protagonist in the flashback, in the basketball scene he is doing what he wants to and is happy.

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