Tuesday 1 March 2011

Production Treatment

Shot List

1) Establishing shot of outside the basketball stadium

2) Insert shot of the basketball hoop, two basketball are shown going inside the basket (1st Titles fades and Voice over starts)

3) Close Up of the protagonist looking up towards the hoop (Voice over continues)

4) High angle of the hoop looking down at the protagonist throwing the basketball (2nd Title Voice over still continues)

5) Insert shot of the basketball going in the basketball hoop (Voice over continues)

6) Low Angle of the protagonist throwing the basketball (Voice over stops and everything pauses and then the title of the film appears (The Dream).

7) Medium Shot of protagonist holding the basketball and then it tilts downwards, as he rolls the basketball on the floor, the camera tracks the basketball.

8) Tracking shot of the protagonist foot walking down the corridors towards the door therefore it’s a match cut.

9) Extreme close up of the protagonist hands holding the door handle and opening.

10) Very Long Shot of the protagonist walking out the door (His car is able to be seen)

11) Establishing shot of the moon

12) Medium Close Up of a side view of the protagonist driving.

13) Over the shoulder shot of the protagonist reaching its destination ( People are around the house )

14) Medium close up back to the side view of the protagonist opening the door (At a quick speed)

15) Point of view shot of the Protagonist looking towards the door but people are blocking it (The slow motion starts) Music – Coldplay Fix You

16) Over the shoulder of the protagonist again walking towards the door (Still in slow motion)

17) Long shot as the protagonist reaches the door (Cameraman inside the house, Slow motion stops and the living room door is open)

18) Point of view shot of the protagonist looking toward the protagonist looking at one of his family member dead on the floor.

19) Medium close up of the woman holding the dead person and looking towards the protagonist sad.

20) Medium close up of the protagonist shocked and sad of what just happened.

21) Bird’s eye view zooming out upwards seeing both the protagonist and the two other characters. (Music stops)

22) Dissolves slowly into the protagonist waking up from his dream panning to press and turn off the alarm.


It starts of a teenager playing basketball, in which the next week from that day he has trials in America to play for a professional team. Other problems occur in his life which affects him from achieving this dream. As he practices in an indoor basketball court, he walks/drives home, not knowing that something tragic has happened in his house, one of his family members has died. As he parks the car/walks home, he wonders why there are number of people standing outside the house as well why his house door is open and the lights on. He pushes out the way like he knows what has happened and as he approaches the living room, he glances at one of his family member on the floor. The teenager is heartbroken and then it slowly dissolves in to him waking up and pressing the alarm (The Dream).



The Target Audience

The Target audeience for our main task is 16-25 year old males.

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