Friday 11 March 2011

Costumes (basketball)

The basketball sneakers that the protagonist is going to wear whilst training. The sneakers matches with the whole kit, black and white, this it to keep it simple and show that he is their for practicing. Also, the basic colours will make the protagonist stand out.
We decided that this will be our number one choice that the protagonist will be wearing because not only its simple from the colours but it looks like a normal training kit that basketballers will wear.
This is one of our kits that i might of worn but we decided that the three quarter pants did not suit the te-shirt and also we wanted the kit to be plain without any other colour or writing on it.
We thought this costume is a little unusual becasue the colours of the whole costume does not match and so the protagonist may not stand out. We also said that we dont want any writing on the kit.
This could of been the kit we could have used but there are points that we thought it could not work which is the writing on the kit and the character would not stand out. The colours of the costunme on the picture below does not match therefore this kit is a definate no.

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