Tuesday 29 March 2011

Voice Over

“You never know if a dream is real, whether it’s good or bad, you can change them, Don’t let anyone put you down, Anyone, Because, One day, Just One Day, You will Win/Succeed”

“Don’t ever let somebody tell you, You can’t do something, You got a dream, You got a protect it, life will try and stop you, no matter what gets in the way, go and get it”

From these two voice over’s, we are going to choose one of them to add to our final piece

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The basketball court which we have used in the piece.

The protagonist wearing his costume, holding the basketball that we are are going to use.

Friday 11 March 2011

Costumes (basketball)

The basketball sneakers that the protagonist is going to wear whilst training. The sneakers matches with the whole kit, black and white, this it to keep it simple and show that he is their for practicing. Also, the basic colours will make the protagonist stand out.
We decided that this will be our number one choice that the protagonist will be wearing because not only its simple from the colours but it looks like a normal training kit that basketballers will wear.
This is one of our kits that i might of worn but we decided that the three quarter pants did not suit the te-shirt and also we wanted the kit to be plain without any other colour or writing on it.
We thought this costume is a little unusual becasue the colours of the whole costume does not match and so the protagonist may not stand out. We also said that we dont want any writing on the kit.
This could of been the kit we could have used but there are points that we thought it could not work which is the writing on the kit and the character would not stand out. The colours of the costunme on the picture below does not match therefore this kit is a definate no.

Friday 4 March 2011

Space Jam Opening Scene analysis

The establish shot sets the scene. This gave us the idea of filming our opening scene at night. Whether we shoot in the day or at night, we are still going to use an establishing shot of the sky. We decided that our film opening needed an establishing similar to this. At one part of our film opening we also used a shot of the moon to help the flow from the basketball scene to the flashback scene.

This shot gave us the idea of the angle we need to shoot when the protagonist is taking a shot. We used a lot of shots of our protagonist taking shots into the basketball hoop. So we needed help in what angles we had to use and which angkles were best to show the protagonist shooting.

This shot gave us another idea of a shot to use when filming the protagonist shooting. It also gave us an idea of editing each shot together. It also helped us to choose which angles to use to show the protagonist scoring.

This close up of the ball going through the hoop showed us what angle we should use. We could use the low angle shot in our film. We decided to use shots of the ball going into the hoop a lot in our film opening. We also changed which side of the hoop we filmed from.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Screen shot analysis of Love and Basketball

I chose this printscreen because in our beinning of our film, we are going to add a title that matches the genre of the film. The text size and font matches the genre of the film, the love heart shows this.
This establishing shot is a key feature for starting a film, it shows the setting and where its located which is important and so their is likely chance we'll be adding this shot at the start of the film.

This shot shows the protagonist for the first time, The person stands out with the clothes that she is wearing. We want the same effect in our video which is making our main character stand out.
This shot is important becasue it shows the protagonist playing the main sport. The main character in our film will be playing basketball so the shot is key.

Production Treatment

Shot List

1) Establishing shot of outside the basketball stadium

2) Insert shot of the basketball hoop, two basketball are shown going inside the basket (1st Titles fades and Voice over starts)

3) Close Up of the protagonist looking up towards the hoop (Voice over continues)

4) High angle of the hoop looking down at the protagonist throwing the basketball (2nd Title Voice over still continues)

5) Insert shot of the basketball going in the basketball hoop (Voice over continues)

6) Low Angle of the protagonist throwing the basketball (Voice over stops and everything pauses and then the title of the film appears (The Dream).

7) Medium Shot of protagonist holding the basketball and then it tilts downwards, as he rolls the basketball on the floor, the camera tracks the basketball.

8) Tracking shot of the protagonist foot walking down the corridors towards the door therefore it’s a match cut.

9) Extreme close up of the protagonist hands holding the door handle and opening.

10) Very Long Shot of the protagonist walking out the door (His car is able to be seen)

11) Establishing shot of the moon

12) Medium Close Up of a side view of the protagonist driving.

13) Over the shoulder shot of the protagonist reaching its destination ( People are around the house )

14) Medium close up back to the side view of the protagonist opening the door (At a quick speed)

15) Point of view shot of the Protagonist looking towards the door but people are blocking it (The slow motion starts) Music – Coldplay Fix You

16) Over the shoulder of the protagonist again walking towards the door (Still in slow motion)

17) Long shot as the protagonist reaches the door (Cameraman inside the house, Slow motion stops and the living room door is open)

18) Point of view shot of the protagonist looking toward the protagonist looking at one of his family member dead on the floor.

19) Medium close up of the woman holding the dead person and looking towards the protagonist sad.

20) Medium close up of the protagonist shocked and sad of what just happened.

21) Bird’s eye view zooming out upwards seeing both the protagonist and the two other characters. (Music stops)

22) Dissolves slowly into the protagonist waking up from his dream panning to press and turn off the alarm.


It starts of a teenager playing basketball, in which the next week from that day he has trials in America to play for a professional team. Other problems occur in his life which affects him from achieving this dream. As he practices in an indoor basketball court, he walks/drives home, not knowing that something tragic has happened in his house, one of his family members has died. As he parks the car/walks home, he wonders why there are number of people standing outside the house as well why his house door is open and the lights on. He pushes out the way like he knows what has happened and as he approaches the living room, he glances at one of his family member on the floor. The teenager is heartbroken and then it slowly dissolves in to him waking up and pressing the alarm (The Dream).



The Target Audience

The Target audeience for our main task is 16-25 year old males.