Friday 4 February 2011

Preliminary Task Shot List

Preliminary Task shot list

1) Long Shot- Person walking towards camera down corridor.

2) Cut Away- Close up on person’s foot whilst they carry on walking.

3) Medium Pan- Pan shot following person walking, from the side.

4) Close Up- On the door handle whilst the person is using the handle.

5) Medium Shot- Different person sat down at table.

6) Close Up- On the same person looking at the door.

7) Medium Shot- Of the first person walking into the room.

8) Birds Eye View- First person moving chair and sitting down.

9) Over The Shoulder- Over first person shoulder looking at the other person.

10) Shot Reverse Shot- Switches to over the second persons shoulder, looking at the first person.

11) Two Shot- Both people in the same shot looking at each other.

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